Shriners International | Great Lakes Shrine Association
Shriners Hospitals | Shriners Member Center | Daughters of the Nile
6 Walnut Street, Evansville, Indiana 47708 | Click here to pay your dues!

Shriners Hospitals for Children has a mission to:
Provide the highest quality care to children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn injuries, and other special healthcare needs within a compassionate, family-centered and collaborative care environment.
Provide for the education of physicians and other healthcare professionals.
Conduct research to discover new knowledge that improves the quality of care and quality of life of children and families.
This mission is carried out without regard to race, color, creed, sex or sect, disability, national origin or ability of a patient or family to pay.
Our vision:
Become the best at transforming children's lives by providing exceptional healthcare through innovative research, in a patient and family centered environment.

If you hold the title of Master Mason in Freemasonry, you qualify and are invited to join the Shriners. To become a Shriner, you must ask a current Shriner to support and sponsor your application. This site makes that process easier by pairing you with a virtual mentor who can answer all your questions, guide you through the petition process and help you get to know members of your local temple. If you are not a Freemason, you must pursue that first. Ask for a virtual mentor on this site who will assist you on that journey. Also, see the Roadmap section and click on Freemason for details on that process. Once you are a Master Mason, you will be eligible to petition to become a Shriner. See the Roadmap section and click on Shriner for details. Your virtual mentor will assist you with every step along the way.
Shriners Creed
Shriners believe in God and that He created man to serve His purposes, among which is service to others in His name.
We believe that care for the less fortunate, especially children who suffer from burns and neuromusculoskeletal diseases, is our institutional calling.
We are patriots, each willing to serve his country with fidelity and courage. We cherish independence under law and freedom with responsibility.
We honor family. We respect our parents, wives, and children. We should instill in our children the tenets of this creed, and the heritage from which it emanates.
As individuals, we pledge ourselves to integrity, virtue, and nobility of character. Our intentions will be honorable, our relations will be trustworthy and our spirits forgiving of each other.
As brothers, we offer each other fraternal affection and respect. Together we will support each other in adherence to this creed so that we and our communities will be the better because of our fraternity and its principles.
As Shriners, we look beyond ourselves to serve the needs of others, especially children who cannot help themselves. We believe Shriners Hospitals to be the world's greatest philanthropy, and we covenant with each other to support its "temples of mercy" with spirit, time, talent, and means.